Corbit by Laidback Solutions

Your next coffee rush is just around the corner*

*Download Corbit and you will have more time left over for great coffee



Fill in your contact information and you will get an email back with links to download a fully functional trial of Corbit that will run for 14 days.

The e-mail will contain links to both server and client software.

System requirements

Corbit server:

Windows Server 2012 (R2 64-bit) or macOS 11 or later

Corbit server runs on Windows client OS as well, however we recommend a server OS because of the potentially heavy load.

CPU: 2,4 Ghz (dual CPU recommended)

Memory: 8 Gb

Available disk space: 10 Gb

Corbit client:

Windows 8.1 or later

macOS 11 or later

CPU: 2,4 Ghz

Memory: 8 Gb

Available disk space: 4 Gb

Not enough time?
If 14 days is not enough for your test/evaluation, please don't hesitate to contact us again and we will issue a new temporary license key for you.